How Is Bowling Score Calculated: A Complete Guide to Understanding the Scoring System

Bowling is a popular sport enjoyed by people of all ages. It involves rolling a ball down a lane with the goal of knocking down as many pins as possible. 

The scoring system in bowling can be confusing for beginners, but once you understand it, it becomes much easier to keep track of your score. 

In this article, we will explore how bowling scores are calculated and provide some tips on how to improve your game.

Basics of Bowling Scoring System

A standard game of bowling consists of ten frames, and in each frame, the bowler is allowed two rolls of the ball. The scoring system in bowling is based on the number of pins knocked down in each frame, as well as any bonus points earned.

Strikes and Spares

If the bowler knocks down all ten pins with the first roll, it’s called a “strike,” and the frame is over. The bowler is awarded ten points for the strike, plus a bonus of the total number of pins knocked down on the next two rolls.

If the bowler does not knock down all ten pins with the first roll but does so with the second roll, it’s called a “spare.” The bowler is awarded ten points for the spare, plus a bonus of the total number of pins knocked down on the next roll.

Calculation of Bonus Points

The bonus points awarded for strikes and spares are calculated based on the next rolls. 

For example, if a bowler scores a strike in the first frame, and in the second frame, they knock down eight pins with the first roll and then two pins with the second roll, they would receive a total of 20 points for the second frame. 

This is because the bonus points for the strike in the first frame are added to the total score of the second frame.

The Tenth Frame

In the tenth and final frame, the bowler is allowed three rolls if they achieve a strike or spare on their first or second roll. This allows for the possibility of earning bonus points, which can significantly impact the final score. The maximum possible score in a game of bowling is 300, which is achieved by bowling twelve strikes in a row.

Bowling Score Calculation

Tips for Improving Your Bowling Score

Practice regularly: Like any sport, the more you practice, the better you become. Try to practice at least once a week.

Focus on your technique: Pay attention to your grip, stance, and release. A good technique can make a significant difference in your score.

Choose the right ball: Different bowling balls are designed for different styles of play. Experiment with different balls to find one that works best for you.

Keep a consistent pace: Try to maintain a consistent pace throughout the game. Rushing or slowing down can affect your accuracy.

Stay focused: Avoid distractions and stay focused on the task at hand. Visualize your shots and try to maintain a positive mindset.

Importance of Understanding Bowling Scoring System

Understanding the scoring system in bowling is essential for improving your game. By keeping track of your score and paying attention to your technique, you can become a better bowler. Knowing the scoring system also helps you appreciate the sport better, making it more enjoyable.


Bowling is a fun and challenging sport that requires skill and strategy. Understanding the scoring system is essential for improving your game and enjoying the sport. 

By keeping track of your score and following the tips provided in this article, you can become a better bowler and make the most out of this fun and exciting sport.

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James Arnold
I'm James, and I call Stanislaus County, California, my home. My journey into the world of Bowling began 3 years ago. Although, I won't claim that I'm an expert,but I'm improving my skills every day. I hope my articles will help you to improve your game.