What is a Split in Bowling?

If you’re a fan of bowling or you’ve ever played the game, then you’ve probably come across the term “split”. 

A split is one of the most dreaded scenarios that can happen in bowling, and it can be frustrating for even the most experienced bowlers. In this article, we will discuss what a split is in bowling, why it happens, and how to avoid it.

Why Does a Split Happen in Bowling?

A split in bowling happens when a bowler fails to knock down all the pins in one attempt. It occurs when two or more pins that are separated by a gap remain standing after the first ball is thrown. The gap between these standing pins is what is referred to as the split.

A split can happen for a variety of reasons. It could be due to an error in the bowler’s technique, a problem with the lane conditions, or even just bad luck. In most cases, however, splits occur because the bowler didn’t hit the pocket with enough force or accuracy.

Types of Splits in Bowling

There are several types of splits that can occur in bowling. Here are some of the most common ones:

3-10 Split

The 3-10 split, also known as the “baby split”, happens when the bowler leaves the 3 pin and the 10-pin standing. This split is one of the easier ones to pick up because the pins are close together.

4-6-7-10 Split

The 4-6-7-10 split, also known as the “big four“, happens when the bowler leaves the 4-pin, 6-pins, 7-pins, and 10-pin standing. This is one of the most difficult splits to pick up because the pins are spread out over the entire lane.

7-10 Split

The 7-10 split, also known as the “bedposts”, happens when the bowler leaves the 7 pin and the 10-pin standing. This is one of the most difficult splits to pick up because the pins are on opposite sides of the lane.

Baby Split

The baby split is any split that involves two pins that are close together. These splits are generally easier to pick up than splits that involve pins that are far apart.

Big Four Split

The big four split is any split that involves four pins that are far apart. These splits are generally the most difficult to pick up.

what is a split in bowling

How to Avoid a Split in Bowling

The best way to avoid a split in bowling is to hit the pocket with enough force and accuracy to knock down all the pins. This means using proper technique and making sure your ball is aimed correctly. It’s also important to adjust your approach and your speed based on the lane conditions.

Another way to avoid a split is to use the right equipment. Choosing the right ball and the right weight can make a big difference in your game. Make sure your ball is properly fitted to your hand and that the finger holes are in the right place.

Tips for Picking up a Split in Bowling

Picking up a split in bowling requires skill and practice. Here are some tips that can help:

  • Aim for the pin closest to the other pins: When facing a split, the key is to aim for the pin closest to the other pins. This will help you hit the pins with enough force to knock them all down.
  • Adjust your stance: Depending on the type of split you are facing, you may need to adjust your stance. For example, if you are facing a 7-10 split, you may need to move your starting position to the opposite side of the lane.
  • Use a spare ball: When picking up a split, it’s often better to use a spare ball rather than your strike ball. Spare balls are designed to have less hook and more accuracy, making them ideal for picking up splits.
  • Use the right technique: When picking up a split, it’s important to use the right technique. This means making sure your ball is rolling straight and that your follow-through is smooth.
  • Practice, practice, practice: Picking up splits takes practice. The more you practice, the better you will become at identifying the type of split you are facing and using the right technique to pick it up.

Remember, picking up splits in bowling requires both skill and practice. By using the right technique and practicing regularly, you can improve your game and become a better bowler.


In conclusion, picking up a split in bowling can be a challenge, but with the right technique and practice, it’s possible to improve your skills and increase your chances of success. By adjusting your stance, using a spare ball, and aiming for the right pin, you can increase your accuracy and pick up more splits.

With dedication and practice, you can become a skilled bowler who can handle even the toughest splits on the lane. 

So keep practicing, and don’t be afraid to ask for advice or tips from more experienced bowlers. With time and effort, you’ll be able to improve your game and achieve great results on the bowling alley.

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James Arnold
I'm James, and I call Stanislaus County, California, my home. My journey into the world of Bowling began 3 years ago. Although, I won't claim that I'm an expert,but I'm improving my skills every day. I hope my articles will help you to improve your game.